Sunday, 2 October 2011

A line to chop one's head off

That's what they said - a line to sever your head
to chop to slice to decapitate - to lop
Writing should provoke the will to lose one's head
to spill one's marbles, to go over the top
A line to chop one's head off
to cease to think for yourself.


  1. Rather Duffy(esque) reminiscent of the dick, the prick, the dipstick the wick. The rammer, the slammer, the rupert, the shlong.

  2. If the head is off, surely it must be on as well. Binary oppositions are pointless expressions of English that bares little meaning in the practical world. To make more sense I feel that one must completely lose all sense. Be two steps removed from reality, not a metaphor but a pataphor. If done correctly the head need not be severed but can exist as both severed and unsevered. This is, albeit confusing to understand, the only way to continue to develop language. Failing that alfred parry has written a fantastic pataphoric novel about travelling round Paris in a sieve. .

  3. Thanks Anon for your comments although she wasn't in my mind at the time; I was actually thinking about Emily Dickinson who said, apparently, that writing should take the top of your head off. Thank's for your thoughts Pharkamon although I don't profess to understand any of them - it's like a post-post structuralist/post-post Postmodern interpretation of Lit Crit (how does one sever and yet not sever a head so that it can be and not be severed?

  4. As a hearty admirer of "Black Sexual Fiction" I feel this represented that segment of society which has that wild dream of fulfilling their utmost sexual fantasies. "Chopping ones head off" is blatantly masturbation, what beautiful imagery you do convey...I see clearly you were writing about this, contrary to what you've said before in your comments. This poem stimulates mind, body and soul,and also gives me a metaphorical erection. My number is 079422656239... Call me and say "Watto!"
