Sunday, 15 February 2009

I'm sure I'm not alone in being baffled by why people choose to blog away in their free time. Why does anyone really care what I, or anyone else, thinks about the way the world appears to be or what the latest celebrity news shock is.  Yet, as a serial journalist of my own small view on things, I am compelled to give it a go.

I work as a teacher and always am confronted by the bizarre, hilarious and down-right frustrating and I suppose this "open ear of the world" has its appeal.  The virtual world of twitter, Facebook etc has blown open the way text is written and received so I suppose I'm testing the limitations of this in a world where the letter is gasping its last breath and text-speak is doing its best to break language down to a series of textual gruntings.

Anyway, I'll jot down the funny things that happen - perhaps someone will find it passably amusing for a few minutes - we shall see...

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